ELI Beamlines

ELI Beamlines is one of the three facilities forming the Extreme Light Infrastructure. It is a multi-laser user facility located southwest of Prague, Czech Republic. The facility will provide focused intensities of up to 10^24 W/cm2, and a high-repetition rate laser system. The facility offers various sources of secondary radiation and particle beams (X-rays, electrons, protons, ions) that enable research in a broad range of applications in molecular, biomedical and materials science, as well as in fundamental studies of laser-plasma interaction and high energy density physics.

The objective of ELI Beamlines laser systems is to provide the following main features:

• High power laser pulses with high repetition rates driving secondary sources of X-rays and accelerated particles with high user versatility, for projects featuring fundamental and applied research

• Ultra-high peak power of 10 PW (petawatt) providing focused intensities up to 10^24W/cm2, for fundamental research in high-field and high energy density physics.

Laser Parameters ASTRELLA L1 laser L2 laser L4 laser
Source type Solid state laser
Laser type Ti:Sapphire Laser LBO based OPCPA with Ti:sapphire oscillator Flashlamp-pumped Nd-glass laser
Photon energy range / wavelength range 750 - 920 [nm]
Peak Photon energy / central wavelenght 800 [nm] 825 [nm] 1060 [nm]
Fluctuations of the peak photon energy/central wavelenght <0.1 % RMS
Spectral Bandwidth FWHM 30 [nm] 150 [nm] 13 [nm]
Beam shape Gaussian Gaussian Other... Other...
Other beam shape Rectangular SuperGaussian
Pulse duration FWHM 35 [fs] 15 [fs] 150 [fs]
Polarisation Linear Horizontal Linear Horizontal Linear Vertical
Other polarisation Linear polarization; 100:1 (Note: S-polarization on last mirror of L1 injector – polarization at target determined by the beam transport)
Pulse repetition rate 1000 [Hz] 1000 [Hz] 0.017 [Hz]
Maximum pulse energy 6.5 [mJ] 100 [mJ] 1500 [J]
Pulse energy fluctuations 2 [sigma]
Peak power 1.86 * 1011 [W] 6.6 * 1012 [W] 10 * 1015 [W]
Peak fluence on target 82.8 [J/cm2] 0.033 [J/cm2]
Average fluence on target 6.8 [mJ/cm2]
Contrast 1 * 10-8 [ps]
Peak intensity on target 4.7 * 1015 [W/cm2]
Beam diameter 11 [mm] 27.5 [mm] 598 [mm]
Note 1) Contrast: (1000:1 ; prepulse) & (100:1 ; postpulse)
2) Peak intensity on target : 4.7 PW/cm2 (estimated for minimal 10 um focal spot size)
3) Pointing stability: < 10 urad (RMS). The value of the Peak fluence on target is estimated for minimal 10 um focal spot size.
4) Not tunable.
5) Pulse energy fluctuations sigma: < 0,16% RMS.
6) Beam diameter (at the exit from the source): 11mm (1/e^2).
The maximum pulse energy will be > 100 mJ from 2020. During 2019 the laser will operate at reduced energy of 20 mJ. The laser is to be completed by 2022 so there is no L2 beam available for users or experiments now. The data for the L4 laser are shown in the document "L4-parameters".
The minimum spectral bandwidth at FWHM is 13 nm.
The specified polarisation is on the output of the compressor, and the polarisation at target is determined by the beam transport.
Radius at 1/e^2 intensity should be 29.9 cm and the diameter 59.8 cm.
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. / ELI Beamlines
Za Radnicí 835 Dolní Břežany
ELI Beamlines
call for proposals