The BL22 (CLAESS), Core Level Absorption and Emission Spectroscopies,is an advanced hard X-ray absorption beamline equipped with a fast monochromator for recording EXAFS spectra (extended X-Ray absorption fine structure) in 1-3 minutes. The beamline has two chemical reactors and an automated system for the management of gases in order to perform measurements of XANES/EXAFS during chemical reactions under conditions close to those relevant to industrial catalysis. In the future EXAFS scans are expected to be done in approximately 100 ms in the intermediate energy range (7-9 keV). It will have an original X-ray spectrometer, in-house design, to perform high energy resolution fluorescence spectral analysis and inelastic X-ray scattering experiments

Beamline Energy Range
5 - 45 [eV]
Max Flux On Sample
1 * 1013 [ph/s] @ 9 [eV]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
8 - 300 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
0.4 - 150 [um]
Laura Simonelli
Carlo Marini
Emission or Reflection
  • Reflectrometry
  • X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
  • Inelastic scattering
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
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Data Output Type
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Data Output Format
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