SIRIUS takes advantage of the best energy range of the SOLEIL synchrotron ring between 1.4 and 13 keV in order to provide a tool for structural study to two large communities of condensed matter:
This beamline is optimized for diffraction (GIXD), scattering (GISAXS) and fluorescence (XRF) in grazing incidence condition with horizontal and vertical samples at fixed energy (8, 10keV) but also for anomalous scattering (AXD) at the absorption edges of interesting elements for soft matter (Ca, Cl, Cd, S, P, K …), magnetism (L-, M- edges of 4d-5d elements, K-edges of 3d), semiconductors (K-edges of P, Si, Al, L-edges of In, Sb, M-edges of Bi), and functional oxides (L-edges of second raw transition elements). Grazing incidence spectroscopies (GI-XAFS, GI-DAFS and Reflexafs) are also available by scanning simultaneously the undulator gap and the monochromator Bragg angle.
The beamline is equipped with a large and accurate 7-circle diffractometer in order to host cumbersome dedicated sample environments; the diffractometer can work in two different configurations: 6-axis tower and kappa head. An ALD/MOCVD reactor, conceived in the frame of a collaborative ANR project with different national groups, can be mounted on the 6-axis tower for in situ characterization of oxide nanostructure growth by x-ray scattering, spectroscopy and reflectivity. A second smaller in vacuum 4-circle diffractometer will be available in March 2017 for tender x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy.
The undulator source enables to vary the polarization of the x-ray beam from linear horizontal to linear vertical or circular. It is also planned to use the large spatial coherence of the x-ray beam expected with such “tender” energy (1.4 -4keV).